
Sunday worship

8am every Sunday

Holy Communion

This service especially suits those who like to worship God in the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer. The service lasts about 30 minutes.

10am two or three Sundays each month

Sunday Worship service (on zoom)

This is a service you can join from anywhere in the world, with hymns, readings from scripture, prayers, and a short sermon. The service lasts around 30 minutes. We greet one another and catch up on any news before the service begins,and after it ends. The link to join this service is in the Weekly Newsletter.

11am every Sunday

Choral or Sung Eucharist

This is our main act of worship, with thoughtful preaching and excellent music. There is almost always a creche for very young children, and activities for children of primary school age. The service normally lasts about an hour, and is followed by refreshments in the church hall complex next door.

5pm on the first Sunday of the month

Compline (on zoom)

A reflection on a work of art is followed by a piece of music and then a simple service of night prayer. The link to join this service is in the Weekly Sheet. This service lasts a little under 30 minutes.

5pm on the second Sunday of the month

Taizé Service

This is a simple and beautiful service based on the repetitive chanting of simple phrases from the Psalms and other scripture. The service is often candlelit, and lasts about 30 minutes

5pm on the last Sunday of the month

Choral Evensong

A service in the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer led by our Chamber Choir. The service normally lasts about 30 minutes.

5pm on other Sundays

Evening Prayer or Evensong

A service in the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer. The service normally lasts about 30 minutes

During the week

10am on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer is usually said by the clergy in church at 10am on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Others are welcome to join them. We alternate by season between the modern language of Common Worship and the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer.

10am on Wednesday

Morning Prayer (on Zoom)

Morning Prayer is said on zoom. Everyone gets to share in the prayers of intercession. We exchange greetings and news before and after the service. The link to join this service is found in the Weekly Newsletter.

You can sign up to receive the Weekly Newsletter

With service details and links for Zoom services

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