Paul and the troublesome Corinthians

Anders’ course on “Paul and the troublesome Christians of Corinth” launches on Thursday, 19 September, at 6.30. The course will now run on 19 September, 26 September, (then three Thursdays without a session), then 24 October 31 October, 7 November, 21 November, 28 November.

Across seven sessions, he will explore Paul’s Letters to the Corinthians – not only to ask what they tell us about God, and God’s work in Christ, but also to explore the social realities of the Christian communities in and around Corinth. How did they worship? How did they deal with the problem of living as Christians in a world full of gods? What part did women play in the community and its meetings? Each session is designed to make sense in itself, so you can still get something from the series, even if you can’t come to every one.

An initial presentation will be followed by discussion. The presentation will be recorded, and will be available to watch at any time for a few days after each meeting (the discussions will not be recorded).

The Zoom code for all seven sessions will be the same:

Meeting ID: 884 7190 0263 Passcode: 381451