Our Curate’s First Mass

22 June, 2024

Gary presiding at first mass

Procession at Gary"s first mass

We had a wonderful and joy-filled weekend as twenty-two priests (including our curate) were ordained in St John’s Wood Church on Saturday 15 June and then our Curate, Revd Dr Gary Eaborn, celebrated his First Mass on Sunday 16 June.



Gary First mass

Thank you to everyone who helped make Gary’s First Mass such a very good occasion – Sue Starr for the flowers, Ian Shaw and Michael Cayton and the Choir for the music, Fr Alan Piggot for his sermon, Sarah Ong and Tallulah and Betsy-Clara Smith for being cross-and-lights, everyone who contributed and set out the food, and everyone who cleared up afterwards

Fr Gary and Fr Anders in piazza

Thanks also to everyone who came along and helped us to celebrate.

Group photo at Gary's first mass