Holy Week
Holy Week
We offer a very full schedule of services in Holy Week, to provide the possibility of a deep engagement with the mysteries of this week

On Palm Sunday we process across the St John’s Wood Church burial grounds as we recall Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
On Monday to Wednesday in Holy Week, as well as a morning Holy Communion service, we also have various evening services:
Tenebrae is a simple meditative service in which the Church is reduced to darkness as candles are extinguished one by one as the ravishing music of François Couperin is sung.
We keep a Stations of the Cross devotion in which we move around the Church following Christ in his journey to the Cross, with short scriptural readings, reflections and prayers at each station.
Our Chamber Choir perform a passion related piece, such as Harold Moore’s telling of the Passion story, The Darkest Hour.

Our Maundy Thursday service is The Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper with washing of feet and then a vigil.
Our Good Friday, starts with the Liturgy of the Cross and Holy Communion from Presanctified gifts. Later in the morning we share in an Ecumenical Procession of Witness around the area with our neighbouring churches. From noon, we keep the Three Hour’s Devotion, with preaching, music for reflection, hymns and prayers. We finish the day with a beautiful musical and reflective Lamentation for the Burial of Christ.
On Easter Eve we keep the Easter Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter, with a Vigil of readings, the lighting of the Easter fire and Paschal candle, the singing of the Exsultet and a general pouring forth of Easter joy.
And on Easter Day, our main 11am Choral Eucharist is a full church of celebration for all Ages, with joyful music and an Easter Egg hunt after the service.
For all ages: Our main Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday services will be most suitable
For some distinctive services: Try out Tenebrae, or Lamentation for the Burial of Christ
To keep the traditional Triduum: attend on Maundy Thursday, the Three Hour devotion on Good Friday, The Easter Vigil and on Easter Sunday
Or come to as many services as you can to fully experience the mysteries of this most holy week.