Welcome to St John’s Wood Church
We come together into church to worship and glorify God, and to encourage one another; we go out together to bring Christ’s love to our part of London and beyond. We invite you to join us in this double journey into God’s love. “Welcome one another, therefore, as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God” (Romans 15.7)
Safeguarding is at the heart of the life of our parish, and is a fundamental expression of the values of the Christian gospel. The Vicar and PCC strive to make the parish church a safe place for all, especially children and vulnerable adults. We promote good safeguarding practice as integral to the mission, ministry and service of the whole church. See our Safeguarding Policy and other important information here.
Donate to St John’s Wood Church
Make a one-off or regular donation to help us support the community and maintain our buildings.
This week at SJWC
- Sunday
Fourth Sunday before Lent
Holy Communion -
Morning Service -
Choral Eucharist -
Taize Service
- Monday
No Events
- Tuesday
No Events
- Wednesday
Morning Prayer
- Thursday
Coffee in the Porch
- Friday
No Events
- Saturday
No Events

A place of prayer
The inside of the church is a haven of peace. We keep the Church open during the day, for those who just want to rest in God’s presence, or to light a candle, or to write down a prayer request which we will use in our daily prayers , or simply to find stillness. The church is usually open between 9 and 5pm Monday to Friday (and often on Saturdays). On Sunday the Church is open during and between service times.
A strong musical tradition
Music is one of the principal ways in which we glorify God. We have an exceptional professional choir that sings on Sunday mornings, and an enthusiastic volunteer choir to lead a monthly evening service (new recruits always welcome).

A long history of service
Since it started life as a funeral chapel for the people of Marylebone, service to the local community has been part of the church’s DNA. Our interest is by no means limited to those who come to services. We believe strongly in the traditional calling of a parish church to be a resource and encouragement for the wider community; we are available to those who need us (especially in times of joy or sadness; and we cherish our friendships with other faith communities in NW8. We have many links with local schools and organizations.

Contact Us
There are many reasons you might want to contact us. We will be happy to hear from you. You will find here information to help you to direct your query.
You may also wish to keep in touch by signing up for our Weekly Newsletter and other communications.